All posts by BernieBe

I have always been passionate about beekeeping, gardens, nature, and cooking. Life is meant for living, sharing, and joys. My newest avocation is beekeeping, it's an old interest that I am only now getting to practice. I have mover from being an Armchair Beekeeper to an Actually Beekeeper, well Year One of Beekeeping. I have so many questions that I want to ask, and then research, I research a lot...

TGIF: Flume & Chet Faker – Drop the Game

This videos simplicity is exceeded only by its artful execution.  It is so enjoyable and kept my wrapped attention.  Enjoy seeing them walk down the street and be shown pieces of their inner dialog.  I’m a snob, but this tickled my gourmet tastes, there is always room for poetry, dance, performance, editing, and pain in my appreciation of ART. Art transcends here.

CUBICLE INCURSION : Plants Delimited (Day 1)


 The Setup

It all started when a baby spider plant strayed across the border onto my neighbors cubicle area.  Let’s call my neighbor “Grappa”, he likes his office stuff on his side, and other peoples in their side.  This is perfect and how life should be, but since I have always wanted a dispute over “range”; too much MeTV reruns of Bonanza & MASH.  I escalated it quickly  to Indoor Plants Jungle versus Desolate Metal Wasteland.

So I went to on Dollar Tree to buy two sets of Army Men, brown and green.  Once I catapulted his troops over the divider the lines were quickly setup.


•  Example of how the Grappa’s Army Men were delivered, Industrial Light & Magic didn’t do the FX.

Basically, each of us comes in, checks to see what the other has done.  It is often days before one of us actually does something.   Since Grappa is an Early Bird and I’m a Late Cog, each of us has plenty of time to setup.  Movements include knocking down troops with balls or TP roll, placing cups over men, entangling men, having plants attack, bringing in other toys to menace, placing post-it’s with sounds (POW!, bang, boom, etc) or other effects.  The rules are humor, surprise, delight, and low key; it is a work environment and no one wants a visit to HR.  Not that I dislike HR, I just prefer to see them socially at the coffee machine.

The best thing about this play is there are few rules, just creativity at large, and an excuse to go into the toy section.  Plus the house plants seem to enjoy the added attention. 


•  Purple Velvet Plant (Gynura sarmentosa) on the edge of the delimited zone

Where do all the birds go when it rains?


I think this is a universal question that most have thought about at one time or another.  I suppose most people hope they are someplace dry.  Not just under a branch, or in an English laurel bush.  My inner child’s imagination sees birds behind little doors with candle size fires keeping warm.  My rational self-knows that is complete hog wash, but it is what I hope.  I’m going to use this as an ice breaker with folks and to needle my friends with and see what they say.  Found a children’s book on Amazon about this Where Do All the Birds Go When It Rains? It just seems a very fundamental question that is answered like a child, “They go hide in their nests.” But that’s not true, did my parents or grandparents tell me that, or did I deduce it?

<Google returned a bunch of interesting discussions on this, but I want to know the folks around me better>

Storks Bring The Baby!

Storks Bring The Baby!

BABE or BABY, n. A misshapen creature of no particular age, sex, or condition, chiefly remarkable for the violence of the sympathies and antipathies it excites in others, itself without sentiment or emotion. There have been famous babes; for example, little Moses, from whose adventure in the bulrushes the Egyptian hierophants of seven centuries before doubtless derived their idle tale of the child Osiris being preserved on a floating lotus leaf.

Ere babes were invented
The girls were contended.
Now man is tormented
Until to buy babes he has squandered
His money. And so I have pondered
This thing, and thought may be
‘T were better that Baby
The First had been eagled or condored.
—Ro Amil